OMG a woman dared to allow herself to age?! 

Just wanted to share this article because it made me so happy I felt like singing. This lady should be some sort of spokeswoman, she has completely hit the nail on the head regarding the marketing practices of beauty companies. 

The insults disguised as concern are disgusting. These companies try to terrify us into buying products that we don’t need, and worse than that – their methods can (and do) make women feel like shit about something that is completely natural and beautiful. All in the interest of making more money (what a shocker). 

I recently saw an advert for some neck cream. Did you ladies know that even though you “spend all that time on your face, your neck can still betray you by revealing your real age?!” Ohhhh the horror! I had no fucking idea that I should be worried about the skin on my neck! Thank you so much for informing me that my sneaky neck is giving away the fact that as the years pass I’m getting older! 

I’m 34, I look 34, I don’t use any products on my face (or that bastard sneaky neck of mine) and I never will. I’m going to continue spending my time thinking about my family, our health, being a good person, and about a million more things that are more important than the possibility that I have slight lines on my face 🙂 

Check out the conversation right here then let me know what you think. Have you ever had an experience like this? Have you seen any ridiculous adverts for beauty stuff? 

Ditch the stupid diets!

I’ve seen loads of pages/companies/adverts recently for magical miracle “cures” for happiness and health.

It’s got me thinking about how much money people waste on things that are supposed to cure everything – they’ll make you thin/rich/attractive/happy etc etc. Unfortunately none of this is new, these products have been around for decades so why is it that most people don’t see that they’re buying into a fad? These companies pay millions to find new ways to convince women that their product is The One, the one that will give you the figure the media says you should have, the one that will make you soooo irresistible, the one that will bring you eternal happiness and cure all your ails.  Continue reading

Getting started!

Hi there 🙂

This blog will be a place for me to share my knowledge of green health, beauty and home tips. I have a passion for all things green and hope that you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

I believe that the best way to look and feel your best is by using natural, fresh solutions. I genuinely don’t understand how so many people think that lathering themselves and their homes with a ton of chemicals is going to do them or the environment any good. In addition to posting my own recipes and tips I will also share other articles which may be of interest (of course these will be clearly referenced).

So that’s what my aims are, if you have any suggestions/comments/questions then don’t hesitate to get in contact 🙂

