Ditch the stupid diets!

I’ve seen loads of pages/companies/adverts recently for magical miracle “cures” for happiness and health.

It’s got me thinking about how much money people waste on things that are supposed to cure everything – they’ll make you thin/rich/attractive/happy etc etc. Unfortunately none of this is new, these products have been around for decades so why is it that most people don’t see that they’re buying into a fad? These companies pay millions to find new ways to convince women that their product is The One, the one that will give you the figure the media says you should have, the one that will make you soooo irresistible, the one that will bring you eternal happiness and cure all your ails.  Continue reading

Vegan Super-fruit Protein Happy Loaf! (and why bananas are generally awesome)

I love bananas, most foods can be made better by putting bananas in it (that’s probably not true but it illustrates my love for them).


They’re not only tasty but they’re good for you (win,win!). They’re good for your heart because of the potassium in them; potassium is a mineral electrolyte which helps keep electricity flowing throughout your body and is required to keep your heart beating (quite an important job when you want to stay alive!). Continue reading

10 awesome uses for lemon for home cleaning!

We all like to keep a clean home but a lot of the products we buy to assist us with cleaning have got some pretty scary chemicals in them. There are alternatives out there and a lot of the time the natural solutions are much cheaper, in addition to smelling nicer and being better for the environment and our families. Continue reading

My favourite meal – ever!

I thought a good place to start this blog would be to share my favourite healthy meal with you. It’s literally just a few bits I threw together one night after work, I had intended to serve it with sweet chilli sauce but it was just so delicious I couldn’t improve it at all! Continue reading

Getting started!

Hi there 🙂

This blog will be a place for me to share my knowledge of green health, beauty and home tips. I have a passion for all things green and hope that you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

I believe that the best way to look and feel your best is by using natural, fresh solutions. I genuinely don’t understand how so many people think that lathering themselves and their homes with a ton of chemicals is going to do them or the environment any good. In addition to posting my own recipes and tips I will also share other articles which may be of interest (of course these will be clearly referenced).

So that’s what my aims are, if you have any suggestions/comments/questions then don’t hesitate to get in contact 🙂

