New year, new goals? 5 ways to increase your success!

For the last few days I’ve been thinking about how people think and behave around new year. More specifically, the whole “new year, new me” and “goodbye last year, this year is going to be amazing!”. I wonder why people focus on the change in date and think that all the things that they haven’t achieved in the last year will suddenly become so much easier and life will be perfect.

Obviously there’s nothing wrong with being positive, the world would be a grim place without a bit of positivity. However, I’m a firm believer that if you only focus on the positive then you are setting yourself up for failure. Continue reading

Ditch the stupid diets!

I’ve seen loads of pages/companies/adverts recently for magical miracle “cures” for happiness and health.

It’s got me thinking about how much money people waste on things that are supposed to cure everything – they’ll make you thin/rich/attractive/happy etc etc. Unfortunately none of this is new, these products have been around for decades so why is it that most people don’t see that they’re buying into a fad? These companies pay millions to find new ways to convince women that their product is The One, the one that will give you the figure the media says you should have, the one that will make you soooo irresistible, the one that will bring you eternal happiness and cure all your ails.  Continue reading